Form Templates

Related permissions: forms:create-templates & forms:delete-templates

Go to Settings. In the navigation menu on the left there is a link to "Form Templates".

Creating a new form

To create a new form template, click "New Form Template".

Editing an existing form

If there are existing forms, they'll show up to the right of the "New Form Template" button.

Send Rules

There are a variety of ptions to allow you to control when your intake form is auto generated for you. The first three rules are based on the services in your office and the state of the client or number of times they have booked that service at the time of booking. Lastly, there is a rule to not send the form if other specified forms are present.

send rules for intake forms

First time booking by a new client

Entering services in this section will cause a form to be generated the first time a new client books a selected appointment.

First time booking by any client

Entering services in this section will cause a form to be generated the first time any client books a selected appointment.

Every time it's booked by any client

Entering services in this section will cause a form to be generated the every time any client books a selected appointment.

Don't Send With

In this section you can choose any forms, that when present, will block the sending of the form you are editing.

When to send form

This setting will specify when the form is sent to the client once an appointment that matches your send rules is booked.

Upload to Mindbody

By turning this option on, the completed form will be uploaded to the client's profile in Mindbody once they press the submit button.

Custom Questions

You can create questions for your clients to answer. There are several types of questions:

  • Free text
  • Number
  • Options - select one
  • Options - select many

Please Note: You can only make "Options - select many" optional, not required. Free text, select one, and numbers can all be required.

Adding questions to the form

Click on the "New Question" button, located under the "Custom Questions" section near the bottom of the new template form page.

This will open a new dialog allowing you to fill in the question, helper text, a question type dropdown, whether the question is required, and the ability to remove the question entirely.

Reordering the questions

After you've entered your questions, you can change the order they are displayed to the client. There are handles on the left-hand side of the queastion dialogs, which you can click and drag and move them up or down to the desired order.

Custom policies

You can set one or more policies for the client to agree to. They can optionally be set to require a client's acknowledgement or signature to confirm that they have reviewed and understand the policy. When either acknowledgement or signature are required, the client will not be able to submit the form until they have either clicked the acknowledgement checkbox or added their signature.

To add a policy, click the "Add Policy" button, located below the "Custom Questions" section.

You can give each policy a title and content. The content of policies can contain html links.