Image Manager

Related permissions: image-manager:store & image-manager:delete

The image manager allows you to upload images that can be used in progress notes. Permissions to add/delete images from the image manager can be found in the permissions settings of a role under Image Manager (image-manager:store and image-manager:delete). In order to upload and remove images you must have these permissions turned on for a role that is applied to your user.

Adding Images

Requires image-manager:store permission

To add images to the image manager, click on the upload file button and choose a file to upload. Once the file is uploaded to your image manager, it will be available to all staff to use in their progress notes.

Deleting Images

Requires image-manager:delete permission

To remove an image from the image manager, use the delete button at the top right of each image. Be sure you want to delete the image as this operation cannot be undone.