Profile Settings
Hand Written Signature
Custom Signature Text
Undocumented Visit Tracking
Hand Written Signature
By default, QuickerNotes will use the first and last name from your Mindbody staff profile to sign your completed progress notes. Alternatively, you may choose to save your written signature to your profile. Once your signature is saved, it will replace the simple text version of your name on finished progress notes. If you change your signature later, it will keep the old signature wherever it was used in place, but all new documents will apply the latest signature.
To add your signature, go to Settings and click the "Create Signature" button, directly below the Custom Signature Text
This will open a signature pad where you can use your finger, stylus, or mouse to draw your signature.
Custom Signature Text
You can add custom text under your signature by clicking in the custom signature text box and adding content.
Once you click out of the box the content will be saved and display under your written signature, or your Mindbody staff
Undocumented Visit Tracking
QuickerNotes automatically keeps track of appointments you have had and whether they have a signed progress note. If you have an appointment that is checked out "complete" in Mindbody but does not yet have a signed note, we will let you know by adding a small bell icon in the top right of the page.
This profile setting tells QuickerNotes when to start tracking appointments for signed progress notes. Set the date that
you would like us to start tracking from.